Corporate Events

The task seems simple enough: hire a photographer to capture photos at your company’s up-coming event. Before you hire just any professional for the day, there are a few important things to consider. You want to be certain your corporate event photography is aligned with your brand, image, and company.

An experienced corporate event photographer has a unique skill set. Hiring a professional will ensure your event is covered from start to finish. The photos will provide you with compelling content to use in publicity, corporate documents and for other marketing requirements.

A corporate event is typically composed of various moving parts that all converge to make the event a success. These parts may consist of assorted speakers, different settings (indoor and outdoor), large and small crowds and other specifics that make your event unique. The corporate photographer must be prepared to accommodate a variety of photo needs and must be able to adjust quickly to capture the moments. Look for a photographer who has experience with the type of event that you are hosting.

The most compelling images are the ones that make the viewer feel as though they were a part of the event. These images are generally a result of a creative angle, a unique perspective, and a keen sense of how to be in the right place at the right time to capture those moments. Rather than hiring someone to simply walk around and take photos, your photographer should be someone who has a demonstrated skill for recording experiences in a unique and creative way.
Your event should reflect your corporate brand and vision, and the photos from your event should be an extension of your branding. A successful corporate event photographer will be able to clearly understand your vision for the event, as well as the overall brand image for your company. They will be able to capitalize on the ‘must-have’ moments of the event, as well as the spontaneous moments that can (and do) happen.
A corporate events photographer is skilled in capturing the experience of the event and brings it to life. When you are tasked with the duty of hiring a photographer for your next corporate event, look for a professional who meets the needs of both your company and your event.